For the last couple of years I have written many articles in that helped me to learn lots of things and also to earn awards. I always wanted to be helpful to guys who needs me. Here I list all the articles that I write for Codeproject. Please click on the link to read the whole article of each of them.
Code InfoBox using Visual Studio 2010
As Visual Studio 2010 is released very recently, it is time to try out new things with it. Just as I saw, there is really some cool features introduced with it. The most interesting feature is creating extensions or Addins for Visual Studio is now very easy. As it is very new concept, I have tried of my own to create one cool extension. I have written one article regarding this as well.
See how it looks in the IDE:
Read the article
The extension is also published in MSDN Gallery.
Please check it as well.
Windows 7 Trigger Start Services
Windows 7 comes with some cool and interesting features. One of them is Trigger Start Services. With the use of Service triggers we can optimize the CPU utilization for our background processes and hence keep huge amount of CPU and memory available for the foreground processes.
Service Trigger is a concept by which you can start/stop windows services based on some Operating System Events.
Read the Full Article.
Windows 7 : New Features Explained Using .NET
Windows 7 as released recently and its time to go out and try its cool stuffs. Just with this thought, I tried to install it to my machine, and believe me, it is faster than all other operating system I have used. The article describes almost all the new features that are introduced with this new Operating system. Some of the few features like Jumplist, Taskbar Progressbar, Tabbed Thumbnail, Icon Overlays, Application Restart Data Recovery, Network Management, Power Management, Task dialog, Sensor Api etc are explained with sample examples in the article.
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Simplify Code using NDEPEND
NDepend is an amazing tool designed by Pattrick Smachia. It helps you to inspect your code from administrative point of view, re-factoring of code, removing Dependency, taking a look at the Code Metrices etc. You can download the tool from and try out yourself.
I have tried to give you a brief idea on how you can use the tool to help in your need.
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Basics of Bing Search API using .NET
BING is one of the latest release of Microsoft. It is not just a search engine like google, but it is something more than it. Bing search results can be added to your own application using its API. There are web services provided by Bing, which enable you to add search support to your own custom application. In this article I tried to give you a brief idea on how you can use Bing Search API to make your application worthy.
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Microsoft VEMap using Pure Javascript
Microsoft Virtual Earth is a cool release to add Maps to your custom website. In this article I put a brief idea and step by step procedure with code on how to implement Microsoft VEMap in your application. I did this after the long number of requests on it after the success of one of my article on GMap.
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Working with CLR objects in SQL Server 2005 and Above PART 1
Working with CLR objects in SQL Server 2005 and Above PART 2
This is a series of article which introduces the use of CLR objects in SQL server. Microsoft added one new feature with Sql server to create CLR assemblies and ability to call these objects directly from Sql server console. I have tried to give a detailed description on the usage of CLR applications in this article.
The article is in 2 parts. In the first part, I have introduced the CLR objects and in 2nd part I have implemented with few examples.
Read the Full Article (Part 1)
Read the Full Article (Part 2)
Basics of LINQ and Lambda Expressions
LINQ is one of the new concept introduced with .NET 3.5. This is a long awaited release of Microsoft with the introduction of Language Integrated Query. LINQ allows you to search within your collection of application objects (IEnumerable). In comparison to normal SQL linq comes with JOIN, GROUP by, Order By etc.
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Working with MS Excel(xls / xlsx) using MDAC and OleDb
It is our common requirement to export or import from MS Excel because of wide popularity of MS excel. While creating web applications, I have come accross with this requirement several times, and has to find a lot over internet to get a valid workaround. There are lots of approaches that you can use to work with excel data. The most easiest one that I found is discussed in this article. I have also created sample application to demonstrate the concept.
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Code Security in .NET
Security of code is one of the important concern of recent times. .NET produces Assemblies which can easily disassembled to find out the code. DotFuscator is a tool added with .NET installation is basically used to Obfuscate the code, so that the Disassembler could not read use the code.
I have tried to give a brief idea on how you can use DotFuscator to ObFuscate your Assembly.
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Use of Isolated Storage ( A simple Demo)
Isolated Storage is a feature that is present with .NET framework for application data storage. Sometimes we need to store application data, so that it must be hidden from the user. If we use store in normal hard disk, it is exposed to windows. Isolated storage is a special area where the application data can be stored. Only the application can call this storage and use it when required.
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Google Map in ASP.NET, PHP, JSP etc with ease
This is one of my article that is very much popular and I get lots of mails regarding this. Google Map is a feature introduced by Google which supports API to implement and add Maps to your own applications. You can use Markers, GeoCode address, Points, Polylines, etc in your map and design the map according to your own requirement.
In this article, I gave you lots of examples of each of the features that you can implement in your GMAP application. As it uses only Javascript to create Maps, it is server side language independent.
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Visual Studio 2005 Project and Item Templates
In this article I have introduced Project and Item Templates that you might use while creating a new project of adding a new file. Various options are there which you might use to handle this events. I have described most of the items with its details.
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Send mails from Gmail Account using VB.NET or C#
GMail has open SMTP server and pop3 server. So it is easy to use Gmail account for your application to send mails. In this article I have introduced how you can send mails from your gmail account using normal .NET SMTPClient object. I have also added how you can embed Images to your mail using this article.
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Folder Protection using C# or VB.NET
In windows environment, I always miss out the feature of Folder protection. There is no means to protect a folder in Windows. We need to take the help of external applications to do so. One of them is FakeFolder. After using it for a couple of years, I thought to device it myself. Just with this thought, I wrote one article which demonstrate somehow to protect your folder from others.
You can use this tool to protect your folder. I have also added a Shell menu for the folders to Lock / Unlock Folders easily. The Folder protection can also made using passwords.
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Expanding Image Animator
This is a javascript implementation to use SetTimeOut, SetInterval to create an Expanding Image animation. Using this code, when a user hovers the cursor over an image, the Image increases its size. The usage is very simple. You need to specify both the sizes and it will work accordingly.
The details of implementation is also described in the article.
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